Having started her career at Procter & Gamble as a Product Manager, Ebru Çapa became the Marketing Communication Specialist at Digital Equipment Türkiye in 1993. In 1997 she joined Microsoft Turkey as the Marketing and Communication Manager and led the operations of marketing, communication and product management for 7 years. After becoming the MSN Turkey Country Manager, Ebru Çapa took the responsibility of Middle East and Africa regions for MSN in 2005. Lastly, Çapa served as the general manager of Consumer and Internet Services department which identified the consumer strategy and vision of Microsoft. Since March 2011, Ebru Çapa is working as the Vice President of Emerging Markets for Monster.

Having sent to United World College as a representative of Turkey with the "Fullbright" scholarship that she won when she was 17, Çapa graduated with International Baccalaureate 2 years later. In 1991, she received her degrees on Business and Economics from Bridgeport University, US.

Digital Transformation of Recruiting: HR 2.0

More critical than capital, more valuable than petroleum, and a fast-diminishing resource: Talent…
The business world is puzzled by technologies coming along with the Internet…

To reach talents, it is time to forget the known and to go beyond the ordinary!

The key secret to success is the ability to raise the leaders of the future; and the codes of this secret are HR 2.0 Practices!...
Human Resources Managers and anybody in charge of managing people are going through the "The Era of Change", a.k.a HR 2.0.

This session aims to explain the new methods for reaching and attracting the talents.