Gönan Premfors is a professional coach who has worked with athletes, business leaders and government leaders. She is a faculty member at The Coaches Training Institute in San Rafael, California and is the founder of The Coaches Training Institute in the Middle East with its headquarter in Dubai. Through her studies of human consciousness and relationships, Gönan has developed a philosophy of relationships called Parentology that translates across any culture, religion or nationality.

What is Parentology?
Johan and Gonan are both passionate parents. Together with Henry Kimsey-House, co-founder of The Coaches Training Institute in California, they developed the highly successful Parentology concept. Parentoloy is currently being delivered on four continents.
"Our relationships with our children have a huge impact on their wellbeing. The stronger our relationship is, the stronger the bond and levels of intimacy, which leads to our children being less receptive to outside influence such as drugs, alcohol and peer pressure. "

IK participants have the chance to get a small taster of the Parentology philosophy in this unique two-hour session.

Workshop Objectives
In this two-hour, highly interactive, workshop we will touch on some of the Parentology skills and parts of the philosophy including:

" DEEP LISTENING - we all think we are good listeners, but are we really? What is the cost of pushing our own agenda without listening? Deep listening alone can transform a relationship in no time. It builds intimacy, trust and creates courage in the child.

" POWER BALANCE - what is the impact when the "power" is in the hands of either the parent or the child? We show what is created when the relationship is truly balanced.

" THE OBSERVER - being able to go to a place of neutrality, especially in the heat of the moment, is a skill that is truly transformative when you learn how to use it.

" COMMUNICATION BREAKDOWN - when it happens, how it happens and why it happens. We discuss how to recover when it happens and create open and straightforward two-way communication with our children.