Mehmet Namık has been working for the field of Human Resources and focusing on “adult training” for the last 16 years. For the last 8 years, he has been giving adult training while also providing management consultancy. Worked at many different places and with different cultures, shared a training environment with adults from more than 20 countries, Mehmet Namik is a member of business world for the last 25 years. Studied Marketing in London, Mehmet Namik lived 9 years of his life closely with the branch he studied and later on, he passed through the gates of Human Resources. He spent his business life mainly at companies like Eczacıbaşı Dasa, Toprak Kağıt, JTI Tütün Pazarlama. And Now he anchored at MCT. His school years were shared among Izmit, Istanbul and London. He is 54 years old.

Peace between the notions of process, system and human is so important for him. Mehmet Namık believes that fulfilling this reconciliation is the key element for enabling effort to transform and become the efficiency itself. The fields which cover the most of his experience are The Quality of Communication and Interaction and Managing People with Competence. During his 8 years of career at MCT, he has been into trainings and management consultancy projects with 56 elite companies. He was present at long lasting development projects and phases of analysis-design-practice-evaluation. He mainly focuses on the fields of organizational cultural projects, development of competency models, evaluation and development centre practices and one to one conversations based on development. He has two favourite quotes, one belongs to Winston Churchill and the other one belongs to Yunus Emre. “Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen” from the West and “Words are straight if you are straight but if you are crooked, straightness will be no more” from the East. Within the light of these quotes, Mehmet Namık believes that an employee should stand up and talk while his/her supervisor should show the courage to listen. He also believes that the special fuel for the quality of relationships come from the juxtaposition of personal integrity and intellectual decency. He will share his experiences and insightful comments about “From Snubbing to Feedback” at Human Resources Summit 2012.