Nesim Levi holds a Master's degree in mechanical and industrial engineering from Istanbul Technical University. He has a truly mixed cultural background and speaks several languages. He retired after a successful career of thirty six years in a large
industrial group, where he was the CEO for the last fifteen. He was cited by the press as one of the 30 most influential professionals in Turkish industry. During his professional life, he always felt that helping others to develop new skills and sharing experiences with them was his true preference. Even during his career, he gave lectures in universities, facilitated seminars, and trained his collaborators. After retiring, he devoted his time to this activity.
To this effect, after becoming a certified trainer for the Blanchard solutions, he trained several thousand persons in Situational Leadership® II, Situational Self Leadership®, Situational Team Leadership®, Creating Your Organization's Future®, Coaching Essentials for Leaders® as well as public speaking, communication, feedback, for the past seven years. He facilitates these topics either in Turkish, English or French. He is an active member of many civic organizations like Lions Clubs International, the Turkish Kidney Foundation, the Sight Conservation Foundation, and Children Protection Foundation.
He lives in Istanbul and is father of three.

Leadership during Change and Renewal

Organizational change and renewal are facts of business life. Most of these change and renewal efforts require significant adjustments in how large numbers of people get their work done.

Roughly 70% of change efforts fail or get derailed. Failure of an organizational change can lead to destructive outcomes, such as low productivity and morale, unmet expectations, wasted time and money, and increased employee turnover..
Our research and real-world experience have shown that people go through predictable stages of concern during change. In addition, most change efforts are unsuccessful for predictable reasons. This predictability allows leaders to be proactive and minimize the risks associated with change.
In the 'Leading People Through Change' presentation, we will discuss how leaders should identify and address the typical concern questions that employees raise during a change.